Privacy Policy


The privacy and protection of our customers` data is our number one priority. Therefore, has strong measures to protect and ensure the integrity of all information. The law also requires that we have these specific measures when processing and protecting personal data, in order to always guarantee that our clients have confidence in providing us their personal information, using our services and communicating with us.
We advise you to read this Privacy Policy carefully, once is a guide to how we collect and handle personal information. This is the most accurate way to ensure that you understand the whole procedure of how we process your data.
We ask you to check this page from time to time, since it may undergo changes at any time.

Information that can be collected

This is the following information we may collect from you:

  • Data you provide whenever filling in our website’s forms ( );
  • Name, phone and/or mobile number, address, interests, marketing preferences, your credit information (if necessary);
  • Any other information that may be relevant to our services.

You are able to provide this information whenever registering interest, subscribing our services/newsletters or asking for further information. We may also collect information from every contact you establish with us, as well as details of your visits to our website, including traffic data, web logs or other resources.
The information provided by you will be used for transaction and internal data processing, for instance, gathering statistical information about your interests and how you use our website, It may also be used to personalize the content displayed.

Specific information that can be collected through

The company is allowed to process information collected through your access to, such as:
IP Address
We may obtain information whenever you visit us, such as your internet address, operating system and what type of browser you are using. This IP is also used to help collect and identify statistic and demographic data about our customers.

How we use your personal data

As we have mentioned above, will collect, register and use your personal data all around the world and among`s companies for exact purposes, including:

  • Providing you information about our products and services that we believe you would be interested in;
  • Carrying out our contractual obligations between you and us;
  • Informing you about any changes made to our products and services;
  • Making sure that our website’s display is efficient for you and your device;
  • Selling or buying properties or services.

We may get in touch with you by phone, email, SMS, among other means.

Sharing Information

Your personal data will not be shared with anyone outside of`s group of companies that are not following the law or our policy. If necessary, we may occasionally need to provide your data to specific third parties, such as agents or providers, in order for them to process transactions or to communicate with you. These agents and providers are also committed to safeguarding the privacy of our customers and will not use your information for any other purposes other than performing their services.

Legal Disclosures

We will only disclose your personal information in case it is a Court Order, a Government requirement (among other authorities), or to protect`s rights or properties.

Global Transactions and Processing may collect and process your data outside the European Economic Area. By providing your personal data to us, you consent that we process your information, always following the rules in this Policy.

Getting in touch with you

We may get in touch with you by email, phone, fax, text or any other means to provide you marketing information about our products and services. You may unsubscribe future mailings at the bottom of our emails. Moreover, you can also send us an email to request that your data is removed from our mailing lists.

Your rights

You have the right to have a copy of all the information we have about you and to request that we not use your data for marketing purposes. This can be done by contacting us through this form.

Third-Party Websites

Our websites may have links to other websites that are not under will not be transmitted to other sites. Nonetheless, they may collect your personal data according to their own privacy policies, which we are not responsible for.

How long will store my personal information?

Your personal data will be kept on our system for as long as necessary and according to any agreement between you and

Changes to this Policy has the right to change or update this Privacy Policy at any time. Any modification will be effective immediately after being posted. You may directly be notified about changes made to our Privacy Policy through an email or a prominent notice on our website, whenever we believe it’s appropriate. However, it is your responsibility to regularly check it.


A cookie is nothing more than a simple text file that is saved by a website’s server on your computer/mobile device. The server is the only one able to read and recover the cookie’s content. Each one is exclusive to your browser and includes individual and anonymous information, as an ID, the website name, digits and numbers. These cookies allow websites to remember your preferences (for example, what you left/had on your virtual shopping cart the last time you visited the website). Our website’s cookies can be divided into several categories:

  • Mandatory Cookies – These cookies are used to save information about the visitors, and consequently define their preferences, help filling in forms, allow them to have access to private areas that require authentication and to collect performance indicators and details like origin and time of the visit.
  • Session Cookies – These cookies are temporary – they expire every time the browser is closed - and are used for shopping online purposes. The information provided by this type of cookies allows us to analyze online web traffic, identify problems and offer an improved navigation experience.
  • Programmatic Advertising cookies – These cookies allow to target advertisements according to each user’s interests, in order to offer campaigns that meet the user’s preferences and taste. They also limit the number of times an ad is displayed, helping to measure the effectiveness of an advertisement.

These cookies are used for the following purposes:

  • Allow website navigation, application usage and access to the website’s safe areas. No services can be provided without using cookies;
  • Save user preferences regarding his website usage, in order to avoid reconfiguring it each time he visits it;
  • Ensure your account’s security;
  • Improve the website’s pages performance;
  • Guarantee the ordering process (online shopping).

Contact us

Please contact us here in case you have any questions regarding the use and protection of your personal data.